Wolfies Meet Grounders - Teen Wolf & The 100 convention Paris

Wolfies Meet Grounders

  • On 08/06/2024
  • In News

Wolfies Meet Grounders - Teen Wolf & The 100 convention Paris
Wolfies, Grounders,
It’s time you met!


We are very happy to present « Wolfies meet Grounders », an event dedicated to Teen Wolf and The 100 which will take place in Paris, on February 22 and 23, 2025 !

We have always imagined the meeting between the actors and the fans of the two series that we have been working on for many years, and we can’t wait to organize this meeting between the Wolfies and the Grounders that we love so much!

In the coming days we will announce the descriptions of the passes, the date of the opening of the ticket shop and the first guest. This time we’re really back and we can’t wait to take you on board into this event

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