Reserved offer HATM4 SW5/6 participants

  • On 10/09/2022
  • In News

Here is the special offer reserved for HATM4 and SW5/6 participants and the conditions to benefit from it:              
One pass purchased = one pass offered (a 50% reduction for the purchase of two passes)*

UPDATE: If you don't want to share our offer above with another participant, we add another option to offer you -25% on the purchase of your pass (one or two days, which do not include extras) - same procedure as for the initial offer.
UPDATE 2: The deadline is extended until November 12.

Opening of requests by email:
Wolfies in Paris: from Sunday 11 September
Grounders in Paris: from Tuesday 13 September

- The offer will be available when the ticket shops of WIP (Sept 12) and GIP (Sept 19) open.
- The promotion is only valid on day and weekend passes (wihtout extras included in it).
- You will be able to upgrade to another pass by paying the difference between the two passes (depending on available stocks).
-For those who won their pass via a contest (therefore free) you can only benefit from this offer with the purchase of HATM4 - SW5/6 extras worth more than 100€.
-The offer is valid until October 12 included.

How to benefit from it? 
To benefit from this offer, please send an email with:
SUBJECT: Offer HATM4 or SW5/6
> The surnames/first names of the two people wishing to benefit from the offer
> Proofs of purchase (invoices/payment receipt) for both people
> Please let us know if your purchased pass is from resale with the name/first name of the other person. Screenshots of email exchanges may be requested.
> Once your registration has been validated, we will inform you of the procedure for ordering your two passes at half price.

Additional info:
- Only one of you two will have to send your request by email with proof of purchase (invoice/payment receipt) for the two HATM4 or SW5/6
passes in order to obtain the link to order your two passes on our ticket shop.
- The promotion can be applied for the purchase of a Saturday pass + a Sunday pass (to be specified by email), but cannot be applied for the same person.
- It is mandatory that both participants have a HATM4 or SW5/6 pass.
- If you do not know a second person to benefit from this offer, do not hesitate to comment our post or in the Facebook groups of our events.
- Payment for the order of the two passes at -50% can be made by two people (transfer or check).

We will do our best to process your requests quickly, remember to attach the invoices/payment receipts of the two participants.
We would like to make it clear that this discount is a consequent offer from us and takes a long time to organise, so please be honest and do not send us falsified documents to claim this offer if you are not one of those affected by this situation.

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