New: Videobooth 360° Extra

  • On 05/12/2022
  • In News

Annonce videobooth wolfies in paris
New extra available on our ticket shop: the Videobooth 360°!
Step onto the platform and a 360° rotating camera captures high quality video with a slow motion + boomerang effect!

Shooting takes a few seconds for a video rendering of about 25 seconds!
For original pose ideas, don't hesitate to look for inspiration via Instagram / Tiktok
This extra is available with all our announced guests, and also between participants.
Note that the extra with the guest also includes an extra between participants (sold separately at 5€), a special participants videobooth session will take place in the morning so that you discover how it works and then do your best pose with the guest!
> Videobooth with the guest valid for one person, possibility of being two by purchasing a second extra.
> Videobooth between participants valid for 1 to 3 persons with the same ticket.

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