Wolfies in Toulouse: Ryan Kelley Update

  • On 08/10/2022
  • In News

Annonce invite ryan update

We are sorry to share this bad news but Ryan Kelley will only be able to be present on Saturday.
He has a professional obligation on Monday morning and the flights unfortunately do not allow him to participate in the Sunday.
So we decided together that it would be better for him to be present just one day rather than cancel his participation, he is really looking forward to spend a day with you!
For those who have already met him you know that he loves sharing moments with the Wolfies!

For people with an Instinct Sunday pass, different options are available:

- Exchange with the Instinct Saturday pass (even if you don't have extras with Ryan)

- Passage on Saturday at the end of the day for people already in possession of extras: photoshoot, autograph and selfie, at a defined time.

- For those with extras with Ryan and unable to come on Saturday: promo code of the amount or refund.

- For those with a two-day pass with Ryan extras, they are automatically moved to Saturday.

For all options, please email us at reunitedevents@outlook.fr with your choice.

Regarding an additional guest, we are still waiting for a return, some negotiations have not been successful and some potential guests are filming, we are doing our best to offer you a fourth guest and give you news quickly.

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